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Lavaca County
[[11 Columned Table]]
| Town | Owner | Amount | Date | Length of Lease | By Whom Rented | Repairs | By Whom | Date| Amount of Rent |  | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Hallettsville | F W Fahrenthold | $13.50 | Mch 20/67 | Not Stated | W H Hiestand S.A.C. | Repairing window and shutters 80 feet of washboard repairing floor doors window [[?]] &c | Valentine [[Ramonschneider?]] | 1867 Mch 21 | $42.60 | No private schools not under the Bureau in his Sub Dist √ |

Leon Co
| Leone | John Collins | No rent is paid |   | as long as repaired | J W Reinhard S.A.C. |   |   |   |   | Sub Asst. Com Reports June 1/67 That all buildings used for school purposes in his Dist are free of rent to the Bureau and all repairs are paid for by the Citizens of the place. Report but one private school not under control of the Bureau in his Dist.
*Aug school at Leone May 15 building furnished by  
Aug school at Hall Bluff May 1st building furnished by freedmen.
Aug school at Centreville [[?]] [[?]] 1st Col'd building furnished by Bureau. 2 White teachers White & 1 Col'd.

| Centerville | W Proctor | no rent is paid |   | As long as same is used for School | J W Reinhard S.A.C.  |   |   |   |   | 

| Clear Creek | Dr. McLinden | no rent is paid |   | As long as same is used for school | J W Reinhard S.A.C. |   |   |   |   | 2 White Teachers  Jerry Kerry Cold |

[[bracket]] | Kagwin Plantation | No rent paid |   | as long as the same is used for school purposes |J W Reinhard S.A.C. |   |   |   |   | [[ " " ??]] Geo Blackey |

| Black Harden Plantation |   |   | As long as the same is used for school purposes | J W Reinhard S.A.C. |   |   |   |   |   | [[/bracket]]

Liberty Co
Liberty | Ross Nelson/f.m. | $5.40 | Mch 1/67 | 1 month renewable from month to month | A H Mayer Sub A.C. | none |   |   |   | Sub Asst Com Report June 1/67 One private School not under the Bureau 3 miles from Liberty taught by (fm.) night School only 21 pupils | 

Liberty | [[strikethrough]] A B Trowell [[/strikethrough]] C C Lund | $13.00 | Aug 1/67 | 5 months | A H Mayer Sub A.C. |   |   |   |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
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