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San Augustine
[[11 columned table]]
| Town |  Owner  | Amount of Rent | Date | Length of Lease | By whom Rented | Repairs | By whom | Date | Amount | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| San Augustine | B R Wallace Agt | $15 00 | July 15/67 | to Jany 1/68 | A.A. Metzner | None. |   |   |   | Reports July 1/67 one private not under the Bu R F & A L was opened by freedman John Mathews and is taught by H. Garrett (f.m) this is the only school in his Dist |

Smith County
| Tuler |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Sub. Asst. Com June 14/67 Reports a private School [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] at Col Hubbards Smith Co No of Pupils & Teachers not known [[strikethrough]] July 1 Reports [[/strikethrough]] |

Transcription Notes:
("Tuler" a misspelling of "Tyler," probably