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194 [[Top Left Hand Corner]]

Travis County
[[11 columned table]]
| Town |  Owner  | Amount Rent | Date | Length of Lease | By whom  | Repairs | By whom | Date | Amount Paid | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Austin | Joseph Wright | $20.00 cury [[currency?]]| Feby 1/67 | one year| Bejson Porter | No repairs |   |   |   | Known as the Christian Church |

| Austin |   | no rent |   |   |   | Fit up a building for school purpose | Loomis & Christian |   | $428- | June 3/67 Sub Asst Com Report one school house for which no rent is paid by. Bureau repaired at the expense of 428, no private school not reporting to the Bureau One private Night school in Austin 

|   | John Horan  | 35 00 | Apl 1/67 | one year | James Oakes S.A.C. | no Repairs |   |   |   | Approved 31 May
July 8/67 Genl Gates reports the following private schools At Austin day & night Taught by Mr Taylor White 25 pupils
At Austin night Taught by Mr Billingsly White 8 or 10 pupils
At Austin day Taught by I Fountain fm 8 pupils |

Trinity County

| Sumpter |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Reports July 1/67 no schools. Has procured a good lot [[strikethrough]] and [[strikethrough]] by donation and contracted to build a school on the same call for assistance thinks several can be started |

Titus County

Will report as soon as he is able has just been place in charge 
(signed) [[J C Claflin?]] Sub Asst Com

[[Right hand Corner]] 
[table] T || V || W || Y [/table]



Transcription Notes:
Finish 2nd entry and subsequent ones ledger T V W Y Not sure about the Austin second part. unsure if "I" or "J" Fountain check T, W, X, Y thing if written correctly.