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Washington Co
[[11 columned table]]
| Town | Owners | Amount | Date | Length of Lease | By whom rented | Repairs | By whom | Amount | Date | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---|
| Brenham | Mr C Smith Plantation a Freedman | 15.00 | Apl 1/67 | as long as needed | Capt Collins S.A.C. | none | 
  |   |   | Reports June 1/67 no other school in his Sub Dist private or public Taught by Miss Watrous Mr Ruby reports July 1/67 a school at Chappell Hill with 30 pupils taught by Mr Myers This school is self supporting at Washington a small school of 25 pupils taught by Samuel Carrol (fm)
July 1/67 in addition to the above one on [[Taryeton?]] Plantation Cold Teacher named Salley 25 pupils Also 1 at Mill Creek Cold Teacher named not remembered 40. |

Walker Co
| Huntsville |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Sub Asst Com Report June 1/67  No houses was hired for school purposes in his Sub Dist. 3 Schools not under control of the Bureau in his Dist Refer to Teacher record |

Wharton Co
| Wharton | [[N?]] Dowdy | $13.50 | Apl 12/67 | as long as needed | W H Horton S.A.C. | none |   |   |   | Reports June 24/67 one private school on Dennis & [[Whiton?]] Plantation with six scholars taught by Mrs Smith (fm) one at Wharton with 21 scholars taught Wm [[?]] Goodwin opened May 27/67 one at R H D Love plantation 8 miles from Wharton taught by B Davis opened Jany 21/67 |

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ledger Y