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Frank T. Sabin, 
I72 New Bond Street, 
LONDON W.I.       March I2th, I928

Messrs Germain Seligmann & Co., 
57, Rue Saint Dominique, 
PARIS, France 

Dear Sirs, 
Herewith please find the S.W.REYNOLDS engraving for which you asked me. As there is no published edition of Reynolds' diary or ledgers, I have had two pages of the latter photographed, and as these show his entries in connection with your picture, I trust they will suffice. 

I also enclose a letter from Messrs. Foster, and a note from Messrs Christie copied from their catalogue. 

I regret taht there has been so much delay in supplying these items, but I have had the very greatest difficulty in procuring them. 

I beg to remain, 

Yours very truly, 
(signed) per pro Frank R. Sabin, 
Sidney F. Sabin