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Office of Acting Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Rockville, S.C., May 28th 1866.

Brev Major H. W. Smith
A.A.G. Hd Qrs Asst Comis
B.R F and A. L. Charleston S.C.


I have the honor to report that there are upon J. Evans Eddings "Brick House" plantation seventeen valid and six invalid possessory titles

The valid titles are held and located as follows
one by Tony Getters who came on the land Feb. 1865
2nd one by Wrenty Gordon who came on the land Feb. 1865
3rd one by Wm. [[William]] Howard who came on the land March 1865
4th one by April Eddings who came on the land Feb 1865
5th one by Clarinda Eddings who came on the land Feb 1865
6th one by Princess Morrison who came on the land January 1865
7th one by Rachel White who came on the land Feb 1865
8th one by Cyrus Jenkins who came on the land Feb 1865
9th one by Ned Wilcoxon who came on the land April 1865
10th one by Jacob White who came on the land March 1865