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New York, New York (LaGuardia)

Runway 22
150 feet wide; 7,000 feet long; CPA Runway 22

Commissioning date indefinite

1. Glide slope course tolerances from the middle marker to threshold do not meet Category II standards. Threshold crossing height 40'. Facility commissioned for Category I operations on May 3, 1967. NOTE: Ships in channel require a 3 degree glide slope setting.

2. Touchdown zone and centerline lights (L-850) under construction.

3. RVR - approach end - Weather Bureau has installed transmissometer on 500-foot baseline. Computer programmed for installation by FAA. Rollout end - baseline reduction to 250 feet programmed. Regional reprogramming action required to install computer.

4. Inner marker schedule for delivery November 1967.

5. Electrical power - configuration B.