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Attachment "A"

Chronology of Activity Regarding
Development of Airport Activity Data

In the early part of 1967, United Air Lines released a series of Airport Master Plan Studies for major airports located within the United States. Included in each study were projections of annual traffic as well as average day, peak month, and peak hour aircraft movements. Each of the airlines was asked to review these reports and comment on them to United Air Lines.

In reviewing the United Airport Master Plan Reports, it soon became evident that there were great gaps in available knowledge regarding both general aviation aircraft movements and peak hour activity at the various airports. To the extent that the basic historical data was unavailable, projections of future activity became, at best, highly educated judgements which could not be subjected to any rational analysis. At the end of June, TWA representatives met with representatives of United Air Lines to discuss just how we might best fill the informational gaps now existing. It was generally agree that the first step must be to determine what information was currently available being generated in published as well as unpublished form by the FAA or other groups involved in airport planning.

AtTA arranged a meeting between representatives of United Air Lines, TWA and the FAA on August 1, 1967, at which time the FAA reviewed the forecasts they were producing for the 2 major hubs in the U.S. Although the forecasts were generally sound, they still did not provide enough information or detail on general aviation movements at the major hub airports nor did they provide enough information on peak hour traffic at the airports for both general aviation and commercial aircraft movements.

The FAA representatives, United and TWA all agreed that to obtain the level of detail desired, for development of sound airport planning, additional work was required. It seemed plausible that through cooperation among the air carriers, the FAA and others involved in developing information regarding aircraft movements, a significant improvement in the gathering and use of airport activity data could be effected. 

The goal of such a joint effort was and still is to be the expediting and upgrading of information regarding airport activity by: