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1. Reaching agreement on what data we want.
2. Using our combined influence to assure its systematic collection.
3. Developing a mutually beneficial method of disseminating and using such data.

It was also agreed at that meeting that additional carriers should be invited to participated in this planning effort.

A second meeting was held at TWA's offices in New York. In attendance were representatives of the four major carriers; American, Eastern, TWA and United, as well as three representatives from various departments of the FAA. At this meeting it was noted by both the FAA and some of the airline representatives that it is important to provide city airport planners with the total demand picture for all users of airport facilities, not only air carriers, so that they can make realistic judgements of what needs to be done to accomodate the projected demand. As regards air carrier activity, individual cities complain they do not have an adequate fix on future traffic demand. On one hand, forecasts made by airport consultants tend to be too conservative, while individual air carriers looking out for their own needs, may overstate their requirements; and thus, the addition of each airline's requirements overstate total industry demand.

It was generally agreed that one of the major differences in forecasts of future facility requirements by different groups is the lack of sufficient or consistent data on current and historical airport activity. It was proposed that a reporting format be developed for use at each airport and that this be discussed with the ATA and Airport Operators. Such a reporting format was indeed proposed and agreed to as a basis for further discussion by the FAA and carrier representatives at that meeting. 

In order to move further along in the development of a joint industry effort, the FAA suggested a follow-up meeting be held at their offices in Washington with additional carriers in attendance as well as representatives of the ATA and the CAB. This meeting was held on October 31st.

At that meeting, further changes were made to the proposed reporting format. A copy of the reporting format as developed at that meeting is attached. It was the concensus of the group attending the meeting that no further work could be accomplished as an ad hoc group. It was proposed that a resolution be presented to the ATA's Airport Facilities Advisory Committee recommending that: