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VII. Peak Month - Average Day - Peak Hour Scheduled Aircraft Movements

- May or may not correspond with Passenger Peak or Aircraft Movement Peak.
- Hour to be specified for each airport and is [[underline]] the airport peak [[/underline]] - not the peaks of the parts.
- Periodic testing necessary to determine ratio of Peak Day - Peak Hour to Peak Month - Average Day- Peak Hour.

[[underline]] Aircraft Type [[7 made table]]
DC-6  | B-707  | B-727  | DC-8 |  * |  * |  Total |[[/underline]]

A. Scheduled

   1. Domestic Trunk

      a. Passenger
      b. Cargo
      c. Non-Revenue

   2. Local Service

      a. Passenger
      b. Cargo
      c. Non-Revenue

   3. Helicopter
   4. Air Taxi
   5. International

      a. Passenger
      b. Cargo

   6. Charter
   7. All Cargo - Domestic
   8. All Cargo - International

B. Non-Scheduled

   1. Supplemental
   2. Air Taxi

c. General Aviation

   1. Local
   2. Itinerent

D. Military

   1. Local
   2. Itinerent

*Other Equipment Types