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Attachment 1

[[underline]]CATEGORY II STATUS[[/underline]]
[[underline]] February 29, 1968 [[/underline]]

[[underline]] Eastern [[/underline]]
[[underline]] Washington, D.C. (Dulles) [[/underline]]

Runway 1R
150 feet wide; 11,500 feet long; CPA Runway 1R

Commissioned November 1965 (limited to 1600 RVR day, 1200 RVR night) 
*(Approval temporarily withdrawn February 10, 1968. See Note #2)

*1. Localizer course width retailoring from 942 feet ro 700 feet discontinued. (See "Comments")

*2. Category II approval of the glide slope was withdrawn by NOTAM dated February 102145, because of an antenna offset problem. Efforts to restore Category II are continuing. 

[[underline]] Washington, D.C. (National) [[/underline]]

Runway 36
200 feet (marked for 150') wide; 6,870 feet long; CPA Runway 36

Estimated commissioning April 1968

1. Threshold crossing height of 44' violates criteria. Glide slope angle to be raised to 2.9 degrees to provide threshold crossing height of 47'. Capture Effect Glide Slope available should it be required. 

2. RVR-approach end-Aeronca computer replacement and reduction of 750-foot baseline programmed. Rollout end-complete new RVR system programmed. Equipment programmed for delivery June 1968. 

3. Earth filling on the approach end of Runway 36 has caused some piers containing approach lights to shift. BNCA to issue IFB 3rd quarter FY 1968 to return it to acceptable standards. 

4. Sitting and commissioning of inner marker dependent on minimums finally authorized. 

5. Minor obstacles and associated corrective actions are: (1) PAR and MTI reflectors in the approach light lane to be relocated; (2) touchdown area approach lights to be lowered to 14"; (3) noise abatement sign to be relocated; (4) the ASDE violates the 7:1 transitional zone by 5'; (5) the control tower violates the 7:1 zone by 46'; and (6) television tower (WETA) is an obstruction to the left turning missed approach by 28' (no action as yet). NOTE: Waiver for penetrations by ASDE and ATC tower disapproved. Minimums of 150' DH and 1600' RVR authorized pending an operational evaluation to determine if lower minimums can be safely attained.