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Attachment 1 - 6

4. Inner marker installed; however, defective antenna prevented commissioning. Replacement antenna ordered and facility will be commissioned when glide slope problems are resolved.
5. Continuous power on Runway 10L in lieu of 28L will be scheduled when reprogramming and change in scope is approved and funding becomes available.

Rochester, New York

Runway 4
150 feet wide; 7,000 feet long

Estimated commissioning date first quarter FY 1970

1. Sponsors request for FAAP to extend the approach end of Runway 4 (1,000') approved in FY-68 program. Runway extension will necessitate relocation of glide slope, RVR and inner marker sites. Pending completion of this project, all modifications except the installation of the V-ring localizer, which has been completed, have been deferred. 
2. ALS/SFL system required.
*3. Glide slope relocation under '67 program. This was originally required to correct low threshold crossing height 29.8' and will still be required to compensate for proposed runway extension. Project includes conversion to Capture Effect if null reference is still unsatisfactory at new location. Capture Effect Glide Slope is programmed for delivery January 1969. 
4. Approach and rollout RVR programmed for delivery July 1968.
5. Inner marker equipment received. Commissioning dependent upon runway extension schedule which is not yet available. 
6. High intensity runway edge lights installed 24" high. Airport sponsor will be requested to correct. 

Buffalo, New York

Runway 23
150 feet wide; 8,100 feet long

Estimated commissioning date FY 1971

1. Waveguide glide slope (60-foot antenna) unsatisfactory for commissioning. SRDS making arrangements to test a proposal developed by Westinghouse which may improve performance by reducing reflection. Resumption of SRDS flight inspection anticipated in February 1968.