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was developed for the Port of New York Authority by the consult-ing from of Bolt, Beranek and Newman. The United States airlines using Kennedy do not recognize "PNdb" as a valid standard of measurement for regulatory enforcement, nor do they concede the legal authority of the Port of New York Authority to impose its "regulation" on certificated air carrier operations at Kennedy Air-port, even as to take-offs. [[/underline]] 110/ [[/underline]] However, in view of the substan-tial compliance with the regulation which results from company-imposed noise abatement procedures, together with FAA operating requirements, they have not challenged the regulation. The Port of New York Authority confirms that the degree of compliance from this is better than 99%. [/underline]] 111/ [[/underline]]
  The legal theory of the PNYA regulation was explained by Sidney Goldstein, General Counsel, to the Harris Committee 
[[/underline]] 110/ [[/underline]] PNYA apparently recognizes that it has no legal authority to impose a maximum permissible noise level on [[/underline]] landings [[/undeline]] at Kennedy, Odell, "Jet Noise at John F. Kennedy International Airport": Report of the Jet Noise Panel, p. 163: Goldstein, [[/underline]] op [[/underline]]. [[/underline]] cit [[/underline]]., [[/underline]] supra [[/underline]], n. 2, p. 132

[[/underline]] 111/ [[/underline]] Odell, [[/underline]]" Development and Enforcement of Noise Standards" [[/underline]], Paper for Conference Committee 4 (draft), p. 7