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[[subject]] | Page No. | 
| Introduction | 1 |

| I. The Controlling Standard Is The Public Convenience and Necessity | 5 |
|II. The Maximum Amount Required To Complete The Job Is Small In Relation To Other Governmental Transportation Expenditures | 9 |

| III. NYA'S Certificated Helicopter Service Is Required By The Public Convenience And Necessity | 12 |

| A. The Contribution of Certificated Helicopter Service To the National Air Transportation System | 12 |

| B. Helicopter Service is Particularly Valuable in New York Because the City is Served by Three Active Airports | 13 |

| 1. With three airports, helicopter service is essential for good connecting service between airports | 13 |

| 2. Helicopters serve the public convenience and necessity by making the schedules at all airports accessible to the entire area | 14 |

| C. The Public Convenience and Necessity of NYA'S Service is Shown by the Large and Growing Traffic Volumes | 15 |
| D. The Defense Department's Computation of Military Traffic Usage Has No Validity | 17 |

| IV. The Technological Contribution of NYA's Certificated Operations to Efficient, Comfortable, Reliable Commercial Helicopter Operations | 19 |

| A. NYA's Contribution to Equipment Development | 19 |

| B. NYA'S Contribution to Design Improvement | 22 |

| C. NYA'S Contribution to Increasing Time Between Overhauls | 22 |

| D. NYA'S Contribution to Rooftop Helicopter Service | 22 |

| E. NYA'S Contribution to the Decca Navigational System | 23 |

| V. The Public Convenience and Necessity Is Served By The Substantial Contribution To Urgently Needed Short Haul City Center to City Center Service | 25 |

| VI. The Value of NYA'S Technical Contributions to the National Defense | 27 |

| A. The Value of the National Defense of NYA's Contribution to the Decca Navigator System | 29 |

| B. The More Intensive Utilization Inherent in Commercial Operation Contributes to Lower Cost and Higher Standards of Reliability Essential for Use of Military Helicopters | 32 |