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the effect of depriving other carriers of the use of the Pan American Building heliport. Delta proposes that an opportunity be accorded other carriers to participate in the financial arrangements between NYA, Pan American, and TWA on a pro-rata basis.

The Executive Branch does not oppose a renewal of NYA's certificate but takes the position that the need for the service is insufficient to require continued subsidy support.

The Port of New York Authority (Port Authority) and the New York State Department of Commerce take the position that NYA's service and subsidy eligibility should be continued. 

Economic Importance of the New York Area. The are here under consideration encompasses New York City, and the outlying areas of New York, northeastern New Jersey, and southwestern Connecticut, which comprise the most populous, and most highly industrial, commercial, and financial complex in the United States. The city's most unusual topographical characteristics arising from its location in relation to the Hudson and East Rivers, Long Island Sound and the Atlantic Ocean coupled with its huge population, heavy concentration of industry and commerce, widespread suburbanization, multiple airport system, and heavy volume of air and surface traffic constitute the New York City area as the foremost or one of the best markets for helicopter operations in the United States.

Economically the Greater New York metropolitan area ranks first in the nation. In 1963 it was first in population with an estimated 15,367,300 inhabitants; first in effective buying income and total retail