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engines 20/ in a program for the development of larger, more capacious, more dependable, and more economical helicopters as a means of achieving a self-sufficient operation at a reasonably early date and in order that it might provide the public with safer, more reliable and less costly service. It is presently collaborating with Boeing and Sikorsky in the development of larger turbine-powered helicopters capable of carrying from 40 to 65 passengers at cruising speeds of from 175 to 200 miles per hour. Many of the features incorporated into the V-107 aircraft  by the Boeing Company which enhanced its roof-top capabilities in congested areas were designed with he assistance of NYA.

The early detection of mechanical defects and malfunctioning of the aircraft in commercial operations enabled the manufacturers effect remedies and in many cases the improvements were passed off to the military as so-called off-the-shelf items which spared the military the time and expense of detecting and remedying defects in its own aircraft. This program also resulted in the reduction of time between overhaul for aircraft components from 150 to 600 percent. 21/ The collaboration of the commercial helicopter operators enabled the manufacturers to produce larger, faster, and more efficient aircraft at a much earlier date and contributed  substantially to the sale of Sikorsky aircraft in foreign markets. Most

20/ Among others, Sikorsky, Boeing, and General Electric Companies.

21/ Examples are: the time between overhaul on NYA's V-107 aircraft was extended from 1,000 to 2,500 hours on rotor blades and from 150 to 1,000 hours on forward transmissions.