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able to perform the herculean tasks assigned to it on such shorts notice at the outset of hostilities because commercial transportation companies had been developed through very substantial government support to a point where their organizations and equipment were immediately available on need to become integral arts of our national defense. It is a known fact that if it had not been for this government support, which was many times the amount now required by the helicopter transportation industry, the development of the fixed-wing as a commercial transportation vehicle would have been so retarded that the very existence of the United States would have been in jeopardy when the war emergency suddenly arose. 

It is my conviction that we should never think about subsidy as a permanent crutch for any industry. An industry, if it justifies any subsidy in the first place, must be able rationally to foresee its own independence. In the case of the helicopter transportation industry, given the cooperation of the manufacturer and the military and the interim support of the government, it is not difficult to foresee a day when it will be able to balance its books and show a profit on a commercial self-sustaining basis.

The helicopter is a creative vehicle - it will uncover entirely new markets and generate new business volume not now available to long-established transportation media. The helicopter with its unique characteristics is the 
