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Opening of Downtown Manhattan Heliport


Provision has also been made for the expansion and improvement of ground facilities.

Of first importance is the new Downtown Manhattan Heliport (established by The Port of New York Authority in co-operation with the City of New York) at which scheduled service was inaugurated by New York Airways in December, 1960. Located near the foot of Wall Street, this facility has already demonstrated its usefulness in that densely populated area.

The decentralization of the new fixed-wing terminals at New York International Airport has required a corresponding reorganization of the Company's operations— which had formerly been based at an increasingly inadequate site oriented to the old temporary passenger terminal.

Since the new American Airlines Terminal was located most conveniently for the largest single group of our passengers, by arrangement with that carrier and The Port of New York Authority, a New York Airways operating and traffic base has been established in the American terminal. It is also planned to provide service at other suitable locations on the Airport. In the meantime, other airline terminals continue to be connected directly to the operation by a special bus service.

The reconstruction of La Guardia Airport has required similar measures. Our schedules are now handled at the temporary American Airlines facility. When the permanent construction is completed next year, the New York Airways service base will be transferred to a central location.

Significant progress has also been made at other cities. Downtown heliports have been provided by Stamford, Bridgeport and Paterson, and a similar facility will be established this Fall at New Haven. It is anticipated that other key communities will follow suit.

Operating Authority

As set forth in greater detail in our 1959 Annual Report, early last year the Civil Aeronautics Board renewed the Company's basic operating authorizations. The scope of the Board's grant is shown by the map on the inside back cover of this Report.


Transcription Notes:
[[image: Downtown Manhattan Heliport]]