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What better time than the New Year to start a program to solve the many problems of urban living. How logical to go to a "sky link" in trying to bring about on earth the kind of order that exists in the heavens. It would seem to take a miracle to accomplish the following:

Relieve congestion on metropolitan city streets as well as on bridges, tunnels, and expressways to and from New York -- by removing truck traffic.

Reduce the air pollution created by the exhaust of motor vehicles. In addition, with a subway freight station nearby, in an area like the garment center, it would be possible to transport goods to and from the station by electrically driven conveyors -- thus further reducing motor traffic and air pollution. 

Create a new valuable service for New York Airways, thus making it a profitable operation which would provide the means for improved passenger service. The SKYLINK, too, opens up many possibilities for improvements in fixed wing air service, both passenger and freight. 

Provide an important use for many Vietnam helicopters that will be available soon, we hope and pray, and by doing so, dramatize that the Vietnam WAR is over but the Ghetto WaR has only begun. 

Put unemployed people to work earning money by providing services and products that we all want ... making them active, self-sufficient individuals and, as a result, law-abiding citizens. 

Enable these impoverished people -- with all the help we can give them -- to pay for their own renewal housing and buy the better things of life, including recreation for their children. 

Light up with continuous, useful activity the dismal and problem beset but tremendous subway system for which New York can be forever thankful... and, in doing so, contribute to making them pleasant and profitable without increasing passenger fares. 

Light up too, perhaps, our hope that the problems of living in our great city can be solved and the desire on the part of all New Yorkers to work enthusiastically together to accomplish the miracle.