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vacuum is a waste of effort. Regulatory procedures, and the creation of the proper operational environment, must move to keep pace with the technology if acceptable safety is to be maintained. 
For a National devoted to human values, no effort should be spared in seeking, elusive though it may appear to be, the absolute in air safety. 

1. Safety programs must be emphasized, expanded, and accelerated.
2. Research, development, testing, and experimentation on new navigational aids, new air traffic management systems, in addition to major improvements in other existing systems and services of significance to safety, must be stepped up.
3. Regulation must be improved, modified, and redesigned to reflect changing requirements.
4. In particular, pending legislation should be enacted to broaden the power of the Federal Government with respect to criminal action concerned with or taking place in aircraft and related to their operation. Recent incidents, involving the hijacking of aircraft and acts of violence abroad aircraft, highlight the inadequacy of existing laws.
5. Government educational programs in flight safety should be expanded as part of a general effort to upgrade the competence of airmen with minimum reliance on regulation and enforcement. 
6. Conduct and evaluation of accident investigation should lead more effective determination of casual factors and expeditious corrective action.

Research and Development
An adequately funded, prudently managed, continually updated research and development and program is essential to the maintenance of U.S. world leadership in aviation. Federal Government responsibility for aviation research has long been recognized and its participation in such research has been extensive. However, in the past Government-sponsored aeronautical research has largely been stimu-