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II. The Federal Complex

There are a great number of federal agencies affecting aviation and the airlines. Some, like the Federal Aviation Agency and the Civil Aeronautics Board, devote their full energies to aviation. Others have a less direct impact, but all of them are significant in their fields so far as the airline industry is concerned.

Chart 1 shows this complex and a reasonable estimate of the total federal funds concentrated on aviation. This figure includes the total FAA and CAB budgets. For other agencies, we have had to estimate the share of their total budgets which they devote to aviation. For a few, there are no figures because they have no specific aviation function, but their activities are highly important to the industry.

Chart 2 shows the Congressional committees and subcommittees which have an active interest in aviation. They exercise a high order of control and influence over the policies and resources of the agencies we are discussing. 

In this report, we will describe the functions of the agencies noted here. We also will describe the intricacies of the federal budget process.
