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the sums attached to their respective names do hereby bind and oblige themselves to render true and faithful service to the said Joseph Thompson, obeying all his lawful commandments as they had been doing when they were slaves until the next Christmas.
George Thompson another Freedman agrees to receive for his compensation for labor since April last until Christmas, 15 bush of corn, 1 cut of pork 10 bush potatoes and 1 gall Molasses which the same j Thompson agrees to pay the said George.
The said Joseph Thompson further obligates himself to furnish the usual rations of food clothing and shoes with the ordinary medical attendance until January 1866.

Witnessed and Approved
James Sinclair
Agt of Bureau

Jos Thompson
Frank x his mark Thompson
Lenon x his mark Thompson
Peter x his mark Thompson
Council x his mark Thompson
Washington x his mark Thompson
Andrew x his mark Thompson
Thomas x his mark Thompson
George x his mark Thompson