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Office of Bureau of Refugees Freedman And abandoned Lands for Robeson Co

Lumberton Augt 30th 1865
This Indenture made and entered this the 30thday of August 1865 between David Townsand of Robeson Co of the one part. and Augus Townsand & Stephen Townsand of said County of the other part. witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of 15 bushels of corn 10 bushels of potatoes 100 pounds of pork and [[strikethrough]] five [[/strikethrough]] four gallons of syrrup to be paid to Augus. and twenty bushels of corn ten bushels of  potatoes 200 lbs of pork and five gallons of Mollasses to be paid Stephen. They the said Stephen and Augus Do hereby bind and oblige themselves to render true and faithful Services to the said David Townsend obeying all lawful commands as they had been doing when they were slaves until the first day of January. The said [[strikethrough]]David Towsand[[/strikethrough]] further agrees to furnish the usual rations of food clothing & shoes with the ordinary Medical attendence until January 1866.
David Townsend 
Augus his X mark Townsend 
Stephen his X mark Townsend 
Witnessed and Approved 
James Sinclair Agt of Bureau