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Office of Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and abandoned land for Robeson Co.
Lumberton August, 30 1865

This Indenture Made and entered into this 3rd day of August, 1865. Between Lewis T. Britt of Robeson Co. of the one part and Monroe Cobb of the other part, Witnesseth That the said Monroe Cobb for and in consideration of the sum of Fifteen Bushels of Corn to be paid by the said LT Britt to the said Monroe Cobb. The said LT Britt agrees to give the said Monroe food, one pair of shoes and reasonable medical attendance until the first day of December 1865.

The said Monroe binds himself to the said LT Britt to serve truly and faithfully and obey all lawful orders that the said LT Britt gives as in times past.

LT Britt
Monroe Cobb  x his mark

Witnessed and Approved
James Sinclair
Agt. of Bureau