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This indenture made the twenty-sixth day of January 1866 between Griffin Hill of Robeson Country state of North Carolina of the one part & Martha Hill a colored woman of the other part; witnesseth that the said Griffin Hill Covenants & agrees on his part to take the said Martha Hill and her family of four children & clothe and feed them during the term herein after mentioned; and the said Martha Hill on her part covenants & agrees to remain herself & family with the said Griffin Hill until January 1st 1871 perform faithful service, do all work that is reasonably demanded of them & be respectful in their deportment & never leave said Hill's plantation without permission during the term aforesaid.
In witness whereof the parties to these present have set their hands & seals the day and year above written

Griffin Hill {seal}
Martha her x mark Hill {Seal}
W.R. Freeman  

Transcription Notes:
should read "in their deportment & never leave SAID HILL'S plantation..."