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Office Bu. Ref. Fr. A Lands 
Lumberton Robeson Co. NC
Novem, 23rd 1864.
This Indenture, made and entered into on the 23rd day of November A.D. 1864 between C. Von Glahn of the County of Robeson and state of North Carolina of the first part and Julia Wood (Freedwoman) of the County of Robeson and  state of North Carolina of the second part,
Witnesseth, that the said Julia Wood of the second part doth put place and hire unto C. Von Glahn of the first part, her daughter Betty Virginia Wood aged five (5) years, for the term of one one year from this the Twenty third day of November A.D. 1867, for and in consideration of which C Von Glahn of the first part doth Covenant promise and agree to instruct the said Betty Virginia Wood to learn the A.B.C's and to spell, or cause the same to be done, and that he will constantly find and provide for the said Betty Virginia Wood, during the term aforesaid sufficient diet, making lodging, and apparel fitting for a servant, and all other things necessary in sickness and health. It is also further agreed and indentured by the parties hereto, that any dispute which may arise under or by virtue of this agreement shall be referred to the Agent of the Bureau at Lumberton or to the Sub Asst Comss'r at Wilmington or to his or their successors in office for decision which decision the parties hereto hereby agree shall be final.
In witness where of the parties to these present have set  their hands and seals, this day and year above mention,
C Von Glahn {Seal}
Julia her X Mark Wood {Seal}

Wm Birnie
Agt Bu R F & A.L.

Transcription Notes:
Name is Von Glahn, not Vin Glahn -- see on U.S. Censuses of Robeson Co., N.C.