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17 D

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov. 27. 1865 E.B. No 11. P. 5 | Demere. A.S. | Letter addressed to Capt A.P. Ketchum from Savannah, Ga. Nov 20, 1865 Requesting the restoration of property taken to St Catherines Island. | 

| Nov 28. 65 E.B. No 12. P 6. | Delaney Maj M.H. | Letter requesting that the case of Phoebe Gallisen be inquired into, addressed to Capt. A.P. Ketchum & dated Hilton Head S.C. Nov. 25 1865 | 

| Dec 29. 1865 E B P. 18 No 46 | Dill Joseph F. Executor Est Rivers | Asking restoration of land on James Island as having but few freedmen on it - | 

| Jan 30 1866 E B P. 25. No 71 | Dill J F Executor for Est M S H Godber. | Asking restoration of land on James Island | 

Transcription Notes:
change to 3 columned table format