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[[Photo of a woman smiling]]
Westward Ho!

Wellesley Book Group Me

     There's nothing quite so bracing to the morale that is fagged with festivity as a good, stimulating book. At least, Wellesley alumnae must think so, for they're starting out their first Book Group meeting of the new year with a review of Walter Lippmann's "The Good Society"!
     The meeting is to be Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John French Wilson, 13610 Larchmere boulevard, Shaker Heights. Mrs. Kenneth Sturges and Mrs. Walter McClelland will assist Mrs. Wilson in entertaining and Mrs. Kenneth Nicola is to lead the discussion. 
     Lippmann's book will be reviewed by Miss Elizabeth Yates. Miss Katharine Menton will give her impressions of F.B. Young's "They Seek a Country," and Mrs. Thomas M. Harman will talk on "The Marsh" by Ernest Raymont. 

[[subhead]]Illustrated Lecture[[/subhead]]
     With everyone in the mood for taking trips, Cleveland Club presents a travelog by Guy A. Bingham Friday at 8:30 p.m. in the Tudor Room. "Circumnavigating South America" is the entrancing title of the colored movie, which includes a complete cruise from New York, through the Panama Canal and the Straits of Magellan. Mr. Bingham is a member of Raymond Whitcomb staff and a nationally known travel authority.

     Junior board of Amasa Stone House meets Monday at 11:30 a.m. for luncheon and election of officers at the University Club. Mrs. David S. Brown, Mrs. James Easly and Mrs. William Eisenman are hostesses.

     Mrs. Charles E. Carey of New York is here for the week-end visiting Mrs. Robert Barney at her home, 3305 Ingleside road, Shaker Heights. 

     Mrs. David Miller will be hostess at a tea Monday from 4 to 6 at her home, 2232 Elandon drive, in honor of her guest, Mrs. Frank Westlake of New York, formerly of Cleveland.

     Mrs. Edward J. Adams is giving a tea tomorrow afternoon from 5 to 8 at her home, 2096 Lenox road, Cleveland Heights, in honor of Miss Agnes Cochran, whose engagement to Henry [[text cut off]]

Transcription Notes:
[[text cut off]] in the third column of the article