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London 60 Haymarket Paris 24 Boulevard Des Capucines Chicago 122 So. Michigan Boulevard

John A McKay Pres.
John Hancock Vice Pres.
Frank C Hoyt. Treas

Subscription Price
United States Mexico
and Canada. $7.00
Foreign Countries 8.00

Telephone 0274 Vanderbilt
425 Fifth Avenue Cor 38th Street

The Spur
Published By
The Angus Company New York

Cable Address

Published on the First and Fifteenth of Every Month

February Twenty-Fourth 1921

Jacques Seligmann & Fils
57 Rue St Dominique
(Ancien Palais Sagan)

Jacques Seligmann & Co. Inc.
705 Fifth Avenue
New York

Jacques Seligmann and Fils
705 Fifth Avenue
New York - New York


We are sending you a March

It notes the first trend tow
campaign inaugurated by the Interior De
Antiques, etc.

Buying in these circles is a
stimulation in Art cirles. Interesting
World will appear March 15th.  Our aim is to stimulate greater
interest in the Art Galleries of New York and their offerings.

Success is creating buying favor [[fervor]], is an attribute of THE SPUR.

Ad inclosed,3 inches single column, $21.  All contracts subject to the usual discounts - rate card inclosed.  May we arrange now for your announcement in this important number.  The atmosphere is correct - the appeal is just at the right time.  The timely effort, is more productive of results.

Telephone Vanderbilt 274 and our representative will call.

Very truly yours,
John Hadcock


[[note]]Ask Him to Call to see Mr G.S.[[/note]]

Transcription Notes:
This is a letter not a table The stamp in this letter is actually another piece of paper pasted over the letter. Hand written note at the bottom of the letter illegible. (response: I've done my best with the note, in keeping with Page 2 I have selected "Mr. J. S. believing that it is likely to be short for Mr Jacques Seligmann.) Don't follow original formatting! Whoever wrote the original was challenged.