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November 11th, 1937

Dear Miss Houck:

I am indeed delighted that Mr. Renfrew decided to use the Tiepolo, "St. Sebastian" in color for the Christmas number.

I thought perhaps that you might want to have the salient facts about the picture which you might want to use in the text.

The picture is a "modeletti" or sketch for the famous altarpiece in the Monastery Church of Diessen on Lake Ammer. Tiepolo was commissioned to submit the sketches for an altarpiece for this church. He submitted two; one the "Martyrdom of St. Stephen", and the other the "Martyrdom of St. Sebastian" which is this picture. The latter was finally chosen and the large altarpiece executed from it.

Of further interest, and particularly at this time, is the fact that it will be included in the important and comprehensive Tiepolo Exhibition organized by the Art Institute of Chicago to take place shortly after the first of the year.

If there is any further information you would like to know about the picture, do not fail to call on me.

With many thanks for your kind cooperation,

Please believe me to be

Yours very sincerely,

(Robert M. Levy)

Miss Bertha Houck
% "Spur"
515 Madison Avenue
New York, New York


Transcription Notes:
Spacing. The original is more readable than without the attention to spacing. Read the guidelines.