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955 Fifth Avenue 
[[strikethrough]]62 William Street [[/strikethrough]]
New York 

December 14, 1940. 


Mr. Robert M. Levy, 
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc., 
5 East 57th Street, 
New York City. 

Dear Mr. Levy: 

This is to acknowledge your letter of December 3rd, addressed to Mrs. Ernst Rosenfeld - who incidentally is now Mrs. Arthur Stein. 

I regret the long delay in answering your letter, but very important personal matters made it impossible for her to give your letter her attention. 

Mrs. Stein has requested me to inform you that as soon as she returns from her trip she will communicate with you with reference to the matter contained in your letter.  

Very truly yours,
Philip R Gould

Philip R. Gould, 

Secretary to Mrs. Arthur Stein 
(formerly Mrs. Ernst Rosenfeld)