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Gladevic [[Gladwin]] Dear 18.
Gelpie Virginia 35.
General Adjutant U.S.A. 37. 126. 127
Galpin Maria J. 95.
Gentilly road 96.
Greene Capt. 98.102.205
Capt. Goggart J.[[S.]] P. 120
Goldin Miss M.E. 134.

Hurlbut. S. A. Maj. Genl. Pages 1.17.14.
Harris E. H. 78. 
Hodge Mrs.80. 
Hirsheimer Mrs. 83.
Hollibird S.A. [[Holabird S.B.]]
Hoyt. Lt. 106
Howard G. C. 124.125.
Herbert Eliza 141. 
Howard Mrs. M.  197.

Transcription Notes:
**S.B. HOLABIRD was the Chief Quartermaster at New Orleans, Dept. of Gulf. There are no people with last name Gladevic, or Gladovic, or Gladvic. There was an A. Gladwin - in Provost Marshal letters, who was the "Supt. of Contrabande". Please help resolve question marks! Thanks.