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Rec't'g Depot U.S.C.T.
New Orleans, La Oct. 1st 1864.

To the Board of Education 
For Freedmen

Having been detailed as a teacher at this depot by your Board I most respectfully wish to state that I now have 124 Scholars enrolled with an average daily attendance of over 70. The application for additional scholars to attend the school is large and I have ample School Room for all that apply.

If it would meet your views I should like to have an assistant I recommend John S. Parkyns. A Private of Co G. 20th Wisconsin Volunteers. as a fit person he having been a faithful laborer with me as a Teacher at Brownsville Texas.

Your Most Obd't Servt
Rufus H. Moss Pri
Co J. 94th Ill Voll

Transcription Notes:
Bottom of letter needs transcription, I couldn't make out the individual letters. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-07 17:27:32