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St Bernard Parish.

Schools Established.
[[6 Column Table]]
|Designation| No. of Pupils.| Teachers.| Locality.| School-Building | Status of School-Building.|
|No. 1.| 50| Mrs. V. Roome| Chalmette.|  |  |
|No. 2| 50| Mrs. M.J. Caulfield.| Ducros Woodyard.| Dwelling House.| Actual Lease.|
|   | 50| Miss M. Mermeloid.|    |    |    |
|No. 3| 50| Miss V. Gelpi.| Rendereau Place.| Dwelling House| Actual Lease.|
|No. 4| 50| Mrs. G. Polyhemus| Baker's Landing.| Dwelling House| Actual Lease.|
|No. 5| 50| Miss S. Womack| 12 Miles Station| C. Workshop.| Seized by Prov. Mar.|
|No. 6| | | | | |
|No. 7| 50| Mr. B. Farrell| Reggio Plantation| Dwelling House| Nominal Lease|
|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|No. 8| 50| Miss E. Rinieze [?]| Mad. Woodruff Plantation| Servant's Dwelling House| Actual Lease|

Schools yet required
| | | | | |