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St. Bernard Parish.
[[3 column table]]
| Schools | Buildings, Tenures, etc. | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | 
| Chalmette | Old mansion house formerly leased from Capt. Sawyer | Untenantable - and school suspended till some other building be found |
| Reusereau | Wooden dwelling house on Judge Reusereau Place. | Mr Philip Guterrez, Lessor
$10.00 per mo. [[memd.??]] July 1/64 |
| Ducros | Mansion at Ducros woodyard |Chas. Ducros, Lessor, $25.00 per mo, exp'g Febry 19/66 |
| Station | Carpenter shop of Mex. Gulf RR Co. at 12 Miles Station. | Assigned to Bd. of Ed. by Prov. Mar. Presd't, Bakewell Clm't. |
| Baker | Dwelling House at Baker's Landing | Mrs Williams (Col'd) Lessor, $10.00 per mo. Oct 19/65 |
| Reggio | Dwelling House on Mad. Reggio Plantation | Mad. [[Wm.??]] Reggio Lessor, $10.00 per mo. Nov. 1.65 |
| Woodruff | Wooden House on Woodruff Pln. | Mad. S.A. Woodruff, Lessor, $10.00 per mo. Oct 31/65 |

Fort Schools
[[3 column table]]
| Ft St Philip | In U.S. Barracks | Assigned to Bd. of Ed. by Fort Com'd'r |
[ Ft. Jackson | In U.S. Barracks | --- |
[Ft. Livingston | In U.S. Barracks | --- |

Transcription Notes:
Likely "Ducros",ftc,2,fid,2703461,n,ducros%20museum.cfm