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Morehouse Parish.
[[4 Columned Table]]
| Time for Organization | Site for School | Plantations Accomodated | Arrangements |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| May 1st | Near Capt. C.C. Davenport's Prairie [[?]] | Davenport, Alford, Washburn. | Capt. C.C. Davenport will cooperate in providing a school building and providing teacher's boarding place. |
| May 1st | Near Bitzer's 4 m's from Bastrop | Bell, Turpin, Bitzer and Michie. | Mr J. F. Bell will cooperate in providing a school building and boarding place for the teacher. |
| May 1st | On Bayou Bartholomew 24 m's west of Bastrop. | The Polk Plantations | The teacher, if a good religious lady can find board at Mr Polk's (cousin of Bishop Polk.) |
[[/4 Column Table]]
Union Parish.
[[4 Column Table]]
| May (after end of cotton pla't'g.) | Near Rev. E. George's on Eldorado Road 5 miles from Marion. | The "Parson George" and neighboring Plantations. | A minimum school but good nucleus for next year. A local teacher, for instance, Miss Melinda E. George is recommended. |