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person, Edmund Thompson by name, to be of a good moral character, much respected by the freedmen and not objectionable to them as a teacher. I therefore recommend him to your consideration for an appointment as such, respectfully suggesting that he be taken on trial. 
The following books will be required for this school as there will be at least sixty children in attendance 
50 Primer or Spelling Books, 30 slates, 4 Elementary Charts, Crayon & slate pencils. 

Here I find a large flourishing school with Mr. P. Chrisfield as teacher. Consulting the freedmen I find them all decidedly in favor of continuing this school and on no account permitting it to close through any fault of theirs. 
Downing Plantation
Eight miles above Houma on the Terrebonne road has a large school taught by Mr O'Hare who has agreed with the freedmen, who rent their plantation 