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Under these circumstances unless the representative of the Bureau is from in his duties, schools cannot be maintained or continued in the parish All the teachers here complain to me of a lack of interest in the school on the part of the Resident Agent and state to me and Mr. Chrisfield the teacher at Houma narrates that Lieut. Wadsworth declares he cares nothing for the darkies and is heartily tired of them. This language Mr. Chrisfield  vouches for and will swear to. Large planters like the Bislands have told me that as yet they have not had in their parish as an agent of the Bureau a man whom they could respect. I give you their statements for what they are worth. I cannot refrain from writing that if Bureau Agents in their parish are seen the major portion of the day laboring in the "Coffee Houses" and "Billiard Saloons" of the town they inhabit, it cannot be considered strange if planters and other solid men of the community and parish should be prejudiced towards the Bureau.