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Mrs. Harold Hambidge Warner
10804 Wilshire Boulevard :: Los Angeles

Mr. S.
Page No. 3

I do hope you are coming. It would be so nice to see you again and you really should fly out for Donald Bear's opening. I understand Elfers is flying out; and Carl Henschel, et al. Of course, I must go for I have a painting in it and besides I consider Donald a most important Museum Director, as well as a friend. Mr. Nesi says you are not coming---I think you should. Remember, I speak as a National Youth Administrator.

Margaret Camp (Gise) and I are driving up, and judging from the invitations to parties, we'll be there four days. I'll have so many butterflies I'll be able to fly back to New York. Anyway, let us know if you are coming and we'll probably invite you to drive to Santa Barbara with us.

Mr. Nesi did not do very well in the matter of straightening out the situation with Donald---and I must tell you after talking with Donald myself, I was shocked and appalled to learn that the Renoir landscape and the Gauguin were yours!! I cannot write it to you because it is too depressing, but I will tell you another story about the Renoir.

I had a client (dress designer) come to me asking did I have a painting around which she could plan a wedding. Of course, I said the Renoir landscape. Dress your bridesmaids (they are to be legion) in these magnificent Renoir colors--pink, blue, green, etc.--and there's the bride in the center (??) in white. So, there's to be a wedding done around it and now I cannot get the painting back to sell as the "inspiration." Go ahead and laugh.