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July 17, 1952


It was so very kind of you have answered me as you did and I hasten to thank you for your letter of June 16.

It goes without saying that I shall abide by your wishes and will get in touch with your son in September.

I cannot enough tell you how happy I was to see again your beautiful collection, and am indeed pleased to haveethe photographs Mademoiselle Minet was kind enough to give to me.

Let me say also that you can rest assured that as per your desire your name will not be mentioned in connection with the reproduction of the painting by Fragonard or with the sculpture.

With my very best wishes and renewed thanks for your courtesy,

I remain,

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Seligman)

Monsieur D. David Weill
14, rue de Chezy
Neuilly-sur-Seine (Seine)


[[right margin]] D. Weil [[\right margin]]