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February 26th, 1927.

Dear Mr. Winter:

Upon my return to New York I hear that I have missed Mrs. Winter's and your visit and feel very sorry about it as it is a very long time since I have had the pleasure of seeing you. I understand that Mrs. Winter has been suffering from ill health for some time and do hope that she has completely recovered by now.

Could you be so kind as to tell me whether you think of coming back to New York in the near future as I would have liked to have seen you about the beautiful Cassone which you have been shown at our galleries. Do you know that Dr. Valentiner, who saw it, considers it as one of the finest cassones in the world compares it only with the fine one of Mr. Mackay's and the one in the Kaiser Friedrich Museum in Berlin

I know that you do not need this statement to realize what an exceptional and important piece this is, but never-the-less, the judgment of a man of Dr. Valentiner's knowledge and competence is always an agreeable and interesting thing to hear.

My cousin who had the privilege of showing it to you this winter told me that you thought the price too high. I am sorry that you should be under that impression, but do hope that you will come back on this first opinion.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon and asking you to kindly remember me to Mrs. Winter

Believe me to be,

Yours very sincerely,

Emil Winter, Esq.,
Lynhurst-Beechwood Blvd.,
Pittsburgh, Penna.

Transcription Notes:
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