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benefited the entire Nation in a number of ways, which I would like to touch on briefly. 

In the situation in San Francisco, that is like Los Angeles. They cover Oakland and Contra Costa and spread out from there so that there is continuation of air service, and it is the only possible way that these people and be handled by air.

These services have provided an experimental laboratory, you might say, to advance the state of the art of the helicopter, both for civilian use in the future and for the military operations.

Second, continuing experimentation with the use of helicopters is necessary if our Nation is to retain its present predominance as supplier of these machines to the world. The record of the past few years shows a tremendous increase in the amount of dollar sales of helicopters to foreign nations. We can retain this preeminence only if we continue with domestic operations. I believe this is essential for our economy and for the improvement of our balance-of-payments situation of which we hear so much these days.

Much effort and money is presently being spent for the development of a supersonic jet transport for commercial use. This will cut from present transcontinental air schedules about the same amount of time it takes to drive from Los Angeles Airport to San Bernardino or from the San Francisco Airport to Marin County. It seems only sensible that we should encourage the development of helicopter service to save the time in local areas if the supersonic transport is to be practical. 

In conclusion, as one who has in the past and must in the future cover my State, I am here to attest to the value of helicopter service to the communities of Los Angeles and San Francisco to urge this committee, in its wisdom, not to discard the advances and benefits which have accrued through past investments in domestic helicopter service, but to do everything possible to encourage and permit the continuation of these advances and services.

Thank you very much , gentleman.

Senator MONRONEY. Thank you, Senator Murphy.

Would the Senator from Cleveland, Ohio, have any questions?

Senator LAUSCHE. I have none. I thought that he was going to utter something unkind about my city.

Senator MURPHY. Never about Ohio, or Cleveland, sir. As a matter of fact, I was partly responsible for the new railroad station in Toledo, which you recall was needed very badly.

Senator LAUSCHE. Yes, thank you.

Senator MONRONEY. Senator Cannon, do you have any questions?

Senator CANNON. Yes, Mr. Chairman.

Being from the neighboring State to the distinguished Senator, last fall I heard a number of people in his State speak out very loudly against Government interference and against Government subsidy. I would assume, therefore, that if there is Government interference here, and Government subsidy, the distinguished Senator would feel that that would be something that should be continued in this instance at least.

Senator MURPHY. I might question the Senator's logic. A general statement of this kind is never completely acceptable. I think the specific instance and the specific case should probably be called to the