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6 HELICOPTER AIR SERVICE PROGRAM hour. Glendale would probably take you an hour. And Anaheim would take you probably an hour and a half. This is a trip that you can make by helicopter, I would guess, in 12 to 15 minutes. Newport Beach would take you at peak of traffic maybe an hour and 40 minutes or an hour and 45 minutes. These are great distances. As you know, the area out there is spread out, and the ordinary transportation hasn't in any way kept pace with the development of the area. They need also ground transportation very badly. So that this would work a great hardship. Senator MONRONEY. I don't wish to make you choose between your old profession and your new one, but if you had your choice between seeing a movie or having the airline pick up a portion of your helicopter ticket, landing at Los Angeles International, say going to Anaheim or Newport, which would you choose? Senator MURPHY. I would respectfully suggest that I would be a biased witness in this case, and I would leave this to the judgment of the chairman. Laughter. Senator MONRONEY. May I say you passed your first examination successfully. Senator MURPHY. Thank you, gentlemen. Senator MONRONEY. Our second witness is the Honorable Alan S. Boyd, Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board. We are happy to have you, Mr. Boyd. Will you come forward with your staff? May I say at the beginning of the testimony by the distinguished Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board: We are more than delighted, and I emphasize this, that he is still Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board. The rumors were spread that you might be taken down to the Commerce Department and placed in charge of all transportation as Under Secretary, which was most disturbing to the aviation community. Not that we object to sharing you with railroads, trucks, and buslines, but we are a little bit jealous because of the excellent job you have done in aviation. Your heart is in it, you love it, and you show that you love it by the time and energy and consideration and thoughtful guidance that you have given to it during your years as Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board. We would certainly hate to lose you from the distinctive pinnacle from which you have dispensed justice so ably during the several years that you have been chief of this very, very important agency. STATEMENT OF ALAN S. BOYD, CHAIRMAN, CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD; ACCOMPANIED BY JOSEPH B. GOLDMAN, DEPUTY GENERAL COUNSEL; IRVING ROTH, DIRECTOR, BUREAU OF ECONOMIC REGULATION; AND HARRY SCHNEIDER, CHIEF, SUBSIDY DIVISION, BUREAU OF ECONOMIC REGULATION, CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Mr. Boyd. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am extremely pleased and flattered at your introduction. I want to assure you that I do enjoy my current function as Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board, and I enjoy it particularly because of the tremendous support of the staff of the Board and the wisdom