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HELICOPTER AIR SERVICE PROGRAM 37 Senator LAUSCHE. Why? Mr. BOYD. We just don't have the figures. We don't have— Senator LAUSCHE. You have given the figures here of 44 percent and 56 percent. Mr. BOYD. I may be unnecessarily complicating this. We can give you the figures. Senator LAUSCHE. You can use this measure, or this formula. Mr. BOYD. Yes, sir. (The following information was received from the Civil Aeronautics Board.) EXHIBIT 4 POINTS SERVED, MILEAGES, AND FARES, LOS ANGELES AIRWAYS AND NEW YORK AIRWAYS Table 1 of this exhibit shows the points served by Los Angeles Airways, the mileages between each pair of points, and the current passenger fares. Table 2 of this exhibit presents similar data for New York Airways. Subsidy is determined on a system basis and cannot feasibly be allocated to a particular point or points, or to a particular fare or fares. For calendar 1964, Los Angeles had a subside rate aggregating $1.6 million, which represented 47 percent of its total revenue, and transported 197,371 passengers. On this basis the average subsidy per passenger was approximately $8.11. The New York Airways subsidy for calendar 1964 was $1.9 million, representing 44 percent of its total revenue, and 253,038 passengers were carried by New York during calendar 1964. On this basis the average subsidy per passenger for New York was approximately $7.51. TABLE 1.— Points served, mileages and fares—Los Angeles Airways [[3 column table]] | | Mileage between Los Angeles Airport and -^1 | Passenger fare | | --- | --- | --- | | Segment A: | | | | Santa Monica^2 | 6 | | | Van Nuys | 19 | $6 | | Burbank | 15 | 6 | | Glendale | 18 | 6 | | Segment B: | | | | Pomona | 36 | 8 | | Ontario | 47 | 9 | | San Bernardino | 65 | 10 | | Riverside | 59 | 10 | | Whittier | 19 | 7 | | Segment C: | | | | Anaheim | 29 | 7 | | Newport Beach | 43 | 8 | ^1 Via most direct routing by Los Angeles Airways ^2 No passenger service; express service only. TABLE 2. - Points services, mileages and fares - New York Airways [[ 7 Column Table ]] | | Kennedy | Wall Street | Newark Airport | | | Mileage | Fare | Mileage | Fare | Mileage | Fare | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Kennedy Airport | | | 12 | $8 | 21 | $10 | | Wall Street | 12 | $8 | | | 9 | 9 | | Newark Airport | 21 | 10 | 9 | 9 | | |