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Trunklines: Estimated subsidy accruing, by carriers, fiscal years 1954-65
[In thousands]

|Fiscal Year|Domestic trunklines 1|
|Fiscal Year|Brainiff|Colonial|Continental|Northeast|Total|
|1956|---|2 330|---|1,480|1,819|

1 No subsidy was received during the entire period 1954-65 for the operations of the other trunkline carriers, namely, American, Capital, Delta, Eastern, National, Northwest, Trans World, United and Western.
2 Colonial merged with Eastern June 1, 1956.

Mr. HALABY. This is a matter of public record, Senator, and is of course, annually reviewed by the Appropriations Committees in both Houses.

I think there is something here for the local communities to take action on. There are some State aeronautics commissions, and there are many local airport and other aviation groups in the communities who can make an investment in the future of this kind of urban transportation.

All of these possibilities, it seems to me, should be explored. They have been, in some instances, intensively. In others, not being under pressure, they have not been fully exploited.

The manufacturers have a great deal to gain by making long-term credit arrangements - arrangements covering maintenance of equipment. Even direct subsidy by the manufacturers is always a possibility.

All I am saying is that there are other ways of getting the necessary support for these carriers than taxing the general taxpayers.

It seems to me, as I believe the case in every one of these operations, that, where the helicopter service is an asset to the State and local community, they ought to undertake to do something to help out.

My belief is that in these four cities the pathway has been cleared to a considerable extent, and we should make sure that we do everything within the President's program and within his decision to enable these carriers to continue and to provide this service.

Whether or not it would make sense for them as San Francisco-Oakland organization has done, to go into supplementary activities in search of near-term profits to carry them through the continuing development period, is something beyond my comprehension. San Francisco-Oakland has at least set an example, and it may be a good one.

As o the future, this introduction of the twin-turbine helicopter is by nor means the end of the line. If I may, for just a few minutes, talk a little about how we ought to see this problem as part of the whole international air transportation picture, I would like to do so.