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Senator LAUSCHE. Nepal has a rather peculiar geographical situation that requires a vertical takeoff to a substantial degree.
Mr. HALL. Yes, sir.
Senator LAUSCHE. How many planes has Nepal bought?
Mr. LANE. My recollection is that to my knowledge there are only two planes there. The altitudes are so high that it is difficult at times to operate in Nepal.
Senator LAUSCHE. Are they used for patrol work mainly?
Mr. HALL. Patrol work and administrative purposes, to move personnel from one part of the country to another.
Senator LAUSCHE. Thailand is in a different category, isn't it?
Mr. HALL. Yes, sir. Thailand-most helicopters are used for police and administrative work and border patrol. There are also-the Thai have some helicopters in their military forces.
Senator LAUSCHE. Are any of the developed countries of Europe manufacturing helicopters in any substantial degree?
Mr. HALL. France, I think, is the only one. If I could provide that information for the record, Mr.Chairman-I am not an expert on the manufacture of helicopters.
Senator LAUSCHE. I wish you would.
In appearing here today, what do you understand is your principal mission? Is it to let us know what the prospects are for the world-wide marketing of helicopters?
Mr. HALL. Mr. Chairman, my understanding was that we were appearing in response to the committee's request. I was trying to be responsive to the question which was put to us, as to what uses will there be for helicopters in the developing countries in the next few years, and what has been our experience.
Senator LAUSCHE. What is the per capita income in Pakistan? My understanding is that it is about $60 a year.
Mr. HALL. Yes, sir; that is correct.
Senator LAUSCHE. What is it in Nepal?
Mr. HALL. Slightly less. In the high 50's.
Senator LAUSCHE. And in Thailand?
Mr. HALL. In Thailand, it would be, I think, 150; something like that.
Senator LAUSCHE. It is higher?
Mr. HALL. Yes.
Senator LAUSCHE. How many have we sold to Mexico?
Mr. HALL. Three, all together, Mr. Chairman.
Senator LAUSCHE. I think that is about all. We thank you very much for your testimony.
Mr. HALL. Thank you, sir.
Senator LAUSCHE. Mr. Robert E. Giles, General Counsel, Department of Commerce.
You may proceed, Mr. Giles.