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May 24, 1965

Fellow Americans:
     The management and employees of New York Airways feel an obligation to explain to other Americans why the red, white and blue helicopters that have become so much a part of the skyline in New York will be forced to cease operations - unless public opinion is aroused and the shortsighted uniformed [[strikethrough]] opinions [[/strikethrough]] action of a few [[strikethrough]] little [[/strikethrough]] people men in Washington are overruled and reversed.
     New York Airways (as well as similar operations in Los Angeles and Chicago) were licensed by the Civil Aeronautics Board for the purpose of developing a pattern for speedy transportationin and around crowded urban areas all over the country - in Boston, in Seattle, in Houston, in San Fransisco, in Atlanta, in New Orleans, in Detroit and many other growing centers.
     Our progress has been significant - although by no means as rapid as we would have liked; but it has been impressive. The greatly improved reliability and economics of our operation has reflected the fact that we have [[strikethrough]] re-equipped our fleet with new [[/strikethrough]] employed five different types of more modern helicopters aircraft [[strikethrough]] five times in thirteen years of operation.[[/strikethrough]] since 1952 [[strikethrough]] our existence [[/strikethrough]] . We doubt that any other form of transportation has exceeded this rate of improvement.