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4 August,'55

Mr. Cummings

KLM has filed a joint fare on the Pan American pattern on Statutory notice. 
Their original filing on one day notice was rejected by the Board. TWA thinks that the statutory notice filing will be rejected too because of poor draftsmanship. TWA lawyers have drafted a similar rule which they feel will get by the Board and this is to be filed in the near future. (i.e. for international connecting LaGuardia/Newark. They have just filed a Rule(rather than a fare) IDL-LGA domestic, which they feel might get by Uncle Ben, but I am not so sure. Air France will or has filed one this week. BOAC will file as soon as they see the PAA one accepted. The status of the PAA filing is as follows: 

The waiver John Slate and I thought was granted was refused. Reynolds is sending a new Rule and request for waiver down today. He and Stevens expect to go down late this week or early next week to argue the case with Fitzgerald, Gillespie, etc. The PAA Tariff office seems to have pretty much turned it over to the lawyers (Reynolds).

They are also having a lot of Gillespie trouble with their family fares and off season discount and Stevens says he thinks he is further along with the NYA joint fare than with the other problems, if that is any encouragement. 

Glen has talked with American and I think has already reported the status of that negotiation. Slate is busy moving and is said to very excited about it. Horace, Les, Bill, Jack and I are proceeding rapidly with the Bell Charter arrangements and should be ready to go in a week. George Daley is still working on the release which is promised tomorrow. 

Both charters last week went off satisfactorily ( $600.00 ) and Moses called today about an all day one in a few weeks. Three S-55's have the new windows already. Received a check from Mrs. Ferris for the tickets. 

We have nearly all the Monsanto reprints out here now. Some I plan to send to travel agents etc., but would you like any sent to Congressmen a la Newsweek reprints?

Have heard nothing on Manhattan. Your speech got about a twelve line pick up in the Daily and the headline was on the lack of a Manhattan heliport. 

Everything else seems to be going smoothly and we all hope that you are having a terrific trip.

Regards to all.


Richard Wheatland