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-3-  December 3, 1958

Page Hufty, Chairman, Investment Comm., Morris Plan Corporation of America, 103 Park Avenue, New York 17, N.Y.
P.B. Garret, Vic Chairman of the Board, Texas Bank & Trust Company, Dallas, Texas; Director - Equity Corporation
George Olmsted, Maj. Gen, U.S.A. (ret.) Chairman of the Board Hawkeye Security Insurance Company, Des Moines, Ia.
Otto A. Pfaff, President, Wheelabrator Corporation, Mishawaka, Ind. (subsidiary)
J. Fred Schoellkoph, IV, President, Niagara Share Corporation, 70 Niagara Street, Buffalo 2, N.Y.
C.S. Stuckenholt, President, The W.J. Schoenberger Company, Cleveland, O. (subsidiary)

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Best regards, 

Cordially yours,


Richard Wheatland
Traffic & Sales Manager


*Rockefeller Brothers Directors