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X file CAB report

May 29, 1963

Mr. J. W. Rosenthal
Routes and Agreements Division
Bureau of Economic Regulation        Ref:B-71-75
Civil Aeronautics Board
Washington 25, D.C.

Dear Mr. Rosenthal:
In the referenced letter you asked about the activities of a firm called Helicopter. Skybus, Inc. of which I am listed as President on my CAB Form 2786.

Helicopter Skybus, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of New York Airways which at the moment is an inactive corporation. It was set up in 1953 in. order to obtain certain Telephone Company listings, particularly of the informational nature.

As long as I have been obligated to submit CAB Form 2786, by virtue of my position with New York Airways, the relationship as been noted. 

Sincerely yours, 
Richard Wheatland 
Vice President- Sales and Services